Intercom User Station US2002 - 31
☞ A quick-reference to the following operating features can be found on the inside of
the back cover.
Normal vs Programming Mode
The US2002 has two operating modes: normal operating mode and programming mode. In normal
operating mode, the Mic Kill key will be unlit, and in programming mode it will be lit continuously.
To return the US2002 to normal operation if it has been left in programming mode, tap the Mic Kill
Volume Adjustment
If you are using a headset, adjust the intercom listen level with the Volume control on the front panel
of the US2002. If you are using a speaker, adjust the intercom listen level with the Volume control on
the speaker.
Receiving Calls
1. When there is an incoming call signal on a channel, the Call key for that channel will flash
red. There will also be a beep tone if the beep feature has been activated (page 10).
2. Activate the microphone: If you are using a dynamic-mic headset tap the Headset key to
turn the mic on; if you are using a panel-mounted microphone or an electret-mic headset,
tap the Panel Mic key to turn the mic on.
☞ You can also use the voice-activated microphone (Vox) feature. See page 30.
3. Turn on the Talk and Listen keys for the calling channel and begin your conversation.
Turn the keys off when finished.
☞ When you tap the Headset key, or the Panel Mic key, or any Talk or Listen key, it
will lock in the on position. You may then tap the key again to turn it off. For
momentary activation, press and hold the key. It will remain on as long as you hold
it and it will turn off when you release it.
Calling an Intercom Channel
1. Press and hold the Call key for the channel that you want to call. An inaudible call signal
will be sent, and your listen key for that channel will automatically turn on in preparation
to receive a verbal response.
2. When you hear a response, release the Call key.
3. If you are using manual microphone activation, make sure your microphone is on: for a
dynamic mic headset, tap the Headset key to turn it on; for a panel-mounted microphone
or electret headset, tap the Panel Mic key to turn it on.
4. Turn on the Talk key for the channel you called to begin you conversation.
5. Turn off your Talk and Listen keys to end the conversation.