Declaration of Conformity
The Manufacturer of the Products covered by this Declaration is
Klark Teknik Building, Walter Nash Road, Kidderminster, Worcestershire, DY11 7HJ.
The Directives Covered by this Declaration.
89/336/EEC Electromagnetic Compatibility Directive, amended by 92/31/EEC & 93/68/EEC
73/23/EEC Low Voltage Equipment Directive, amended by 93/68/EEC.
The Products Covered by this Declaration.
Equipment type Product Name Variants
Audio Mixing Console Q2 Q2 VCA
Audio Mixing Console Q2 Monitor Meterbridge
Audio Mixing Console QMR Meterbridge
Audio Mixing Console FMR
Audio Mixing Console Forum PA,Matrix,Mute
Audio Mixing Console Forum Monitor Meterbridge
Audio Mixing Console XL200
Audio Mixing Console XL250
The Basis on which Conformity is being Declared
The products identified above comply with the protection requirements of the EMC Directive and with the principal elements of
the safety objectives of the Low Voltage Directive, and the manufacturer has applied the following standards:
EN 55013 : 1990
Limits and methods of measurement of radio disturbance characteristics of Broadcast Receivers and Associated Equipment.
EN 50082-1 : 1992
Electromagnetic Compatibility - Generic Immunity Standard Part 1. Residential, commercial and light industry.
EN 60065 : 1994
Safety requirements for mains operated electronic related apparatus for household and similar general use.
The technical documentation required to demonstrate that the products meet the requirements of the Low Voltage Directive has
been compiled by the signatory below and is available for inspection by the relevant enforcement authorities. The CE mark was
first applied in 1996.
Signed: ................................ G.M.Squires
Authority: Product Support Manager.
Date: 1st, January 1997.
The attention of the specifier, purchaser, installer, or user is drawn to special measures and limitations to use which must be
observed when these products are taken into service to maintain compliance with the above directive. Details of these special
measures and limitations to use are available on request, and are also contained in product manuals.