
Sec tion 4 - Re ceiver Dis play Screens and Func tions
Main Op er at ing Screen
Fig ure 10
Main Op er at ing Screen
Squelch Ad just ment Screen
Fig ure 11
Squelch Adjustment Screen
Trans mit ter Dis play and Con trols
Fig ure 12
Trans mit ter Dis play and Con trols
-20 -10 -5 0 +3-20 -10 -5 0 +3
1 3 10 30 1001 3 10 30 100
7 5
1. [UP] + [DOWN] ad just the squelch level
2. SET saves the squelch level shown and re turns
you to the main screen
Dis play:
Con trols:
1. Squelch Level ·················1-10
1. Press and hold SET for 3 sec onds starts Auto-
2. Press SET once, Group starts flash ing, ad just with
2.a With Group flash ing, press and hold SET for 3
seconds to start Group Scan
3. Press SET twice, Chan nel starts flash ing, ad just
with UP and DOWN
3.a With Chan nel flash ing, press and hold SET for
sec onds to start Chan nel Scan
4. Press SET and UP at the same time to en ter Fre --
quency Mode
5. Press and hold UP for 3 sec onds to ad just Squelch
6. Press and hold SET dur ing power up to en ter In --
stru ment Mode
7. [UP] + [DOWN] for 3 sec onds Sets/Re sets Edit
Lock out
Con trols:
Dis play:
-20 -10 -5 0 + 3-20 -10 -5 0 + 3
1 3 10 30 1001 3 10 30 100
Dis play:
1. Group and Chan nel
2. Bat tery Level in Per cent age
3. Fre quency
1. Press SET once, GP will flash, use UP and
DOWN to ad just
2. Press SET again to ac cept GP, CH will flash, ad just
with UP/DOWN
3. Press SET again to ac cept CH and chan nel
will be in stalled
4. Press SET and DOWN at the same time to change
dis play mode
5. Press SET and UP to en ter Fre quency Set Mode
6. Press SET and DOWN to re turn to the
Group/Chan nel Mode
7. Press and hold UP and DOWN for 3 sec onds
to lock out SET
8. Press and hold UP and DOWN again to ac ti vate SET
9. Press and hold UP, DOWN, and SET
to lock power (see Sec tion 4)
10. Press and hold UP, DOWN, and SET to un lock power
1. Group Num ber···············10 (fac tory set)
2. Chan nel Num ber···················01 to 10
3. Fre quency ···········Dis played in Mega Hertz
4. Bat tery Sta tus ················100 to 0 Pct in
25 Pct steps/Flash if low
5. Au dio VU Me ter ··········-30 VU to + 3 VU
6. RF Sig nal Strength ···········1 µV to 100 µV
7. An tenna Di ver sity Sta tus ···left or right an tenna
8. ClearScan ········In di cates Scan is in prog ress
9. Gui tar Sym bol······In di cates In stru ment Mode