4 Vega’s C-2002
Line Port: The C-2002 is equipped with two single line jacks. The connector is a standard eight pin RJ-45. The
pinout of the connector appears in Figure 3. The numbering of the pins is shown in Figure 3 for reference. In
addition to the standard RX and TX pin pairs, the unit also can be supervised and supports cross mute functions.
Pins 7 and 8 of the Line connector can be used as a form C closure relay for local control. Pins 7 and 8 form the
closure during any PTT operation. An internal resistor makes an external connection to ground un-necessary, and
can be removed to remove ground from the closure path.
Auxiliary Audio Input: The external 6 pin terminal block provides an Audio Input (1), PTT (2), and GND (6)
line. Pulling PTT to ground activates the Audio Input line for transmitting audio from an external source. This
input is a high impedance capacitance coupled input.
Auxiliary Speaker: Pin 1 of the AUX Port is a capacitance coupled low impedance output that can be used to
drive an external speaker amplifier. Output level is controlled by the front panel volume control.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1) Cross Mute I/O
2) Supervisor I/O
3) RX +
4) TX +/(RX+2W)
5) TX -/(RX - 2W)
6) RX -
7) Local
8) GND/Local
Rear Panel Connector Pinouts
1 2 3 4 5 6
1) RX Audio 2) PTT
3) +12V 4) Aux Audio In
5) Earth GND 6) Sig GND
1 2 3
1) TXD
2) RXD
3) GND
Figure 3 Rear Panel Pinout
Battery backup: The +12V power input on the AUX Port is used for battery backup and is a diode-protected
Earth Ground: The Earth ground connection on the AUX Port MUST be connected for proper operation. It
provides a path for any external noise to be shunted to.
Data port: This port is a 0 to 10V asynchronous port used for cloning one C-2002 to another. The cable is not
supplied but the connector is. To connect two units, RX on one console should be connected to TX of the other
console. Ground is connected straight through. This is a non-standard serial port used only for the C-2002 cloning