WFM700 Series Waveform Monitors User Manual
Sweep. Use the Sweep menu to select from the following sweep modes:
H Line. One horizontal line is displayed. Use the Line Select function to
choose one line out of a field or frame.
H 2 Line. (Overlay mode only) Two consecutive horizontal lines are displayed.
H Field. All lines for one video field are displayed.
H 2 Field. (Overlay mode only) All lines for two video fields are displayed.
H Mag. Turns the Mag function on and off.
NOTE. In waveform mode, the instrument does not maintain separate sweep
settings for the different color space selections. Changing the sweep selection in
one color space setting changes the sweep mode in all color space settings.
The composite color space does not support 2 Line and 2 Field sweeps.
Time/div varies with format and sweep type to keep the displayed waveform a
reasonable size.
When Mag sweep is on, the horizontal scale is magnified about the center of the
screen. In the magnified mode, the waveform extends off both sides of the CRT.
Use the horizontal position knob to pan left and right on the waveform.
NOTE. Timing cursors operate correctly in the magnified mode, although one or
both may be off screen during measurements.
When operating in two line sweep mode, MAG factors are chosen that optimize
the evaluation of the horizontal blanking interval. To utilize this feature, perform
the following steps:
1. Ensure that the waveform display is in OVERLAY mode.
2. Select 2LINE sweep.
3. Use the horizontal position control to adjust the waveform so that the
blanking interval is aligned with the horizontal graticule indicating the center
of the screen.
4. Select MAG sweep.
Mag Sweep