
OA 5000 Series User Manual A --- 31
Appendix H: Replaceable Parts
This chapter contains a list of the components that are replaceable for the
OA 5002, OA 5012, OA 5022, and OA 5032 Optical Attenuators. As de-
scribed below, use this list to identify and order replacement parts.
Replacement parts are available from or through your local Tektronix, Inc.
service center or representative.
Changes to Tektronix instruments are sometimes made to accommodate
improved components as they become available and to give you the benefit
of the latest circuit improvements. Therefore, when ordering parts, it is
important to include the following information in your order:
H Part number
H Instrument type or model number
H Instrument serial number
H Instrument modification number, if applicable
If a part you order has been replaced with a different or improved part, your
local Tektronix service center or representative will contact you concerning
any change in the part number.
Change information, if any, is located at the rear of this manual.
The tabular information in the Replaceable Parts List is arranged for quick
retrieval. Understanding the structure and features of the list will help you
find the all the information you need for ordering replacement parts.
Item Names
In the Replaceable Parts List, an Item Name is separated from the descrip-
tion by a colon (:). Because of space limitations, an Item Name may some-
times appear as incomplete. For further Item Name identification, U.S.
Federal Cataloging Handbook H6-1 can be used where possible.
Parts Ordering
Using the
Replaceable Parts