Table of Contents
1705A Spectrum Monitor
List of Figures
Figure 1-1: 1705A used to locate satellites and determine maximum signal level 1--2.........
Figure 1-2: Relationship of a communications satellite to earth 1--9.......................
Figure 1-3: Angle A (the difference at a specific latitude between the angle to the sun
and the angle to a satellite) 1--10.........................................
Figure 1-4: Sample longitudinal map of the Ku-Band satellites 1--11.......................
Figure 1-5: The western spot beam footprint for one Ku-Band satellite 1--12.................
Figure 1-6: A computer representation of the 1705A display showing the 12.198 GHz
horizontally polarized telemetry beacon on the SATCOM K2 satellite 1--14........
Figure 1-7: Transponder assignments for a typical Ku--Band, 16--transponder satellite
that employs alternate polarization 1--15....................................
Figure 1-8: Simulation of a 1705A FULL SPAN/DIV display 1--16.......................
Figure 1-9: Up link Video Exciter, Up converter, and High Power Amplifier (HPA) showing
how to hook up a 1705A Spectrum Monitor to look at the Video Exciter output 1--17
Figure 1-10: 1705A hooked up to look at either the output of the Video Exciter (70 MHz)
or the Receiver Input (L-Band) 1--18.......................................
Figure 2-1: 1705A front panel 2--2.................................................
Figure 2-2: 1705A rear panel controls and connectors 2--5..............................
Figure 2-3: 1705A display when powered up in L-BAND and FULL SPAN 2--6.............
Figure 2-4: 1705A graticule scale 2--7..............................................
Figure 2-5: Relationship of sweep to graticule showing minimum and maximum frequencies 2--10
Figure 2-6: Frequency relationship to horizontal graticule scale 2--11.......................
Figure 2-7: Center frequency cursor and readout for the L-Band with FULL SPAN/DIV 2--12...
Figure 2-8: 1705A CRT with the SCALE turned down 2--13.............................
Figure 2-9: The setting of the HORIZONTAL POSITION control can displace the location
of the displayed center frequency 2--13.....................................
Figure 2-10: Using the 1705A menus 2--15...........................................
Figure 2-11: An example of the readout displayed while satellite frequency is being set 2--16....
Figure 3-1: L-BAND INPUT connector and controls 3--2...............................
Figure 3-2: Dimensions of the 1700F00 plain cabinet 3--3...............................
Figure 3-3: 1700F02 portable cabinet dimensions 3--4..................................
Figure 3-4: Cabinet securing screws 3--5............................................
Figure 3-5: The WFM7F05 side-by-side rack adapter 3--5...............................
Figure 3-6: A WFM7F05 with a blank front panel (1700F06) 3--6........................
Figure 3-7: WFM7F05 rack mount cabinet with a 1700F06 utility drawer 3--7...............