
Adjustment Procedures
1780R-Series Service Manual
Figure 5–20: Vector graticule x- and y-axis markings for adjusting xy input gains
f. Move the generator output connections to pin 5 (–Y) and pin 7 (+Y) on
the XY Input connector.
g. Adjust Y Gain (A6R308) so the vertical trace is as long as the vertical
axis graticule line located inside the compass rose on the Vectorscope
CRT. See Figure 5–20.
h. Connect the generator –Output to pins 1 and 5 of the XY Input
connector. Connect the generator +Output to pins 3 and 7 of the XY
Input connector.
i. Readjust A6R113 and A6R308 so the line ends are centered in the dB
boxes. See Figure 5–21.
j. Disconnect the sine wave oscillator signal from the XY Input connector
fixture. Disconnect the fixture from the 1780R-Series XY INPUT