Play/Pause/Resume (3)
Press Play "" (3 figure 2) to start playing music.
If this button is pressed during playing, the player will
go into "Pause" mode. To resume play, press ""
(3 figure 2) once again.
Please note that when playing a MP3 CD, the
songs will be played in the file names’ alpha-
betical order, unless the user has changed the
playing-order by adding a "tag" to the filename.
Stop/Off (1)
Press Stop "" (1 figure 2) to stop the player and enter
idle status (the motor does not run but the power is on).
When the player is in idle status, pressing the "" (1
figure 2) button will turn off the player.
Next (4)
Press Next "" (4) figure 2 to skip to the beginning
of the next track. Continuous pressing of Next ""
(4 figure 2) during play will fast-search forward
through the track.
Previous (2)
Press Previous "" (2 figure 2) to skip to the begin-
ning of the previous track. Continuous pressing of
Previous during play will fast-search backwards
through the track.
play mode pause mode