Recording Media Type I and Type II Compact Flash media
File Systems FAT16 and FAT32
File Formats Broadcast Wave (WAV) and MPEG 1 Audio Layer 3
(MP3) les
Recording Time 6 hours 40 minutes (4 GB Compact Flash Card, 44.1
kHz, 16-bit stereo, WAV)
about 70 hours (4 GB Compact Flash Card, 44.1 kHz,
16-bit stereo, MP3 128 kb/s)
Sampling Rates 44.1, 48, 88.2, 96 kHz
The sampling rate for MP3s is 44.1 or 48 kHz.
Quantization 16 or 24 bits
MP3 Bit Rates Stereo 64/80/96/112/128/160/192/224/256/320 kb/s
Mono 32/40/64/80/96/112/128/160 kb/s
Variable Bit Rate (VBR) les can be played but not
Pre-record buffer Up to 10 seconds
Frequency response
Nominal level 20 Hz to 20 kHz ±1.0 dB (44.1 kHz / 48 kHz)
(MIC to LINE OUT) 20 Hz to 40 kHz +0.5 dB / -4 dB (88.2 kHz / 96 kHz)
Noise level at maximum trim (MIC to LINE OUT) < -55 dBu (22 Hz to 22 kHz, 150 Ω input termination)
Dynamic range at minimum trim
105 dB (44.1 kHz, 22 kHz LPF, A-weighted)
Total harmonic distortion + noise
<0.01% (min trim, 22 kHz LPF, 1 kHz tone)
Crosstalk at 1 kHz (MIC to LINE OUT) > 80 dB (150 Ω input termination)
Delay 44.1 kHz < 0.65 msec
96 kHz < 0.2 msec
Phantom Power +48 Volts, 10 mA x 2
Input and output connectors
Microphone/Line Input
Connector XLR-3-31 (1: ground, 2: hot, 3: cold)
Impedance 2.4 kΩ
Nominal level -63.8 dBu (max trim) to -7.78 dBu (min trim)
Nominal level with pad -43.8 dBu (max trim) to +12.2 dBu (min trim)
Maximum level +28.2 dBu
Maximum gain 56 dB
Line Input
Connector RCA
Impedance 10 kΩ
Nominal Level -66.0 dBV (max trim) to -10 dBV (min trim)
Maximum level +6 dBV
Maximum gain 56 dB