Wireless Applications 4 - 15
Use the Encryption dialog box to select an encryption type. The drop-down list includes encryption types
available for the selected authentication type. See Table 4-11 for these encryption types.
Figure 4-19
Encryption Dialog Box
Table 4-10
Encryption Options
Encryption Description
Open Select Open (the default) when no data packet encryption is needed over the network.
Selecting this option provides no security for data transmitting over the network.
40-Bit WEP Select 40-Bit WEP to use 40-bit key length WEP encryption. WEP keys are manually
entered in the edit boxes. Only the required number of edit boxes for a key length is
displayed (10 Hex digit value for 40-bit keys). Use the
Key Index drop-down list to
configure the four WEP keys. The adapter uses the selected key. Note: The default Hex
digit keys are visible any time they are used. As a security precaution after setting the key
values for the network, the digits are replaced with asterisks * in the encryption key fields.
If the associated AP uses an optional passkey, the active adapter WLAN profile must use
one as well. The passkey is a plain text representation of the WEP keys displayed in the
encryption dialog box. The passkey provides an easy way to enter WEP key data without
having to remember the entire 40-bit (10 character) Hex digit string.
128-Bit WEP Select 128-Bit WEP to use 128-bit key length WEP encryption. WEP keys are manually
entered in the edit boxes. Only the required number of edit boxes for a key length is
displayed (26 Hex digit value for 128-bit keys). Use the
Key Index drop-down list to
configure the four WEP keys. The adapter uses the selected key. Note: The default Hex
digit keys are visible any time they are used. As a security precaution after setting the key
values for the network, the digits are replaced with asterisks * in the encryption key fields.
If the associated AP uses an optional passkey, the active adapter WLAN profile must use
one as well. The passkey is a plain text representation of the WEP keys displayed in the
encryption dialog box. The passkey provides an easy way to enter WEP key data without
having to remember the entire 128-bit (26 character) Hex digit string.
TKIP Select this option to use Wireless Protected Access (WPA) via TKIP. Manually enter the
shared keys in the passkey field. Tap
Next to display the passkey dialog box. Enter an 8
to 63 character string.