SPS 3000 Series Programmer’s Guide
Table 5-2. Flash Memory Utilities
Utility Description
Erase.exe Erases all of Flash memory.
Warning: All files in Flash memory are lost
after this program runs.
Unlock Unlocks Flash memory. After this program
runs, files can be copied to the “\Compaq
Disk” directory on the iPAQ.
Lock Locks Flash memory. After this program runs,
the “\Compaq Disk” directory reverts back to
read only status. Read only is the default state
of the “\Compaq Disk” directory.
CreateImage.exe This program reads the binary image of Flash
memory and saves it to a file you choose.
WriteImage.exe This program reads a binary image created by
the CreateImage program and writes it to
Flash memory. The image file name can be
passed to the WriteImage program via the
command line for automation purposes.
Warning: After WriteImage is used, the SPS
3000 must be removed and re-inserted for the
files to show up in the “\Compaq Disk”