Configuring the Terminal
The options available under the disks pull-down menu changes
depending on the flash type. Some flash types only have one option
for the number of disk volumes, others have two options.
6. If you have selected three volumes under the disk pull-down menu, you have the
option to change the memory configuration of the second and third volumes. To do
so, click on the up or down arrow for either of the volumes, until the memory
configuration of each is set to the desired value. You will notice that as you change
the values for one of the volumes, the other volume is automatically changed
7. For each disk volume, determine the Read/Write access option.
8. The Script File Path displays the path of the selected script file.
9. Select a Cushion percentage from the Cushion pull-down menu to specify the percent
of flash reserved for cushion. Choosing a higher number reduces disk storage space,
but also increases write performance on fragmented disks or disks becoming full. To
speed the writing process, select as high a number as your storage needs permit (up
to 25%).