
Spectrum24 Network Configuration
Password Protecting NCPA
NCPA has a password protection feature that can be turned on and off from the WLAN Adapter tab.
When the NCPA program is initially launched, the password is off (default). To create a password for
the NCPA advanced pages:
1. Tap Password... from the WLAN Adapter tab. The Change Password dialog box appears.
Figure 6-27. Change Password
2. Enter the case-sensitive password (10 characters maximum) in the Current Password field
and tap OK.
3. The NCPA advanced pages dialog box is enabled and now appears when the Advanced
button is tapped from Easy Setup window.
4. To disable the password dialog box, enter the current password and leave the New
Password and Confirm New Password fields blank. Tap OK.
5. To change the password, enter the current password and enter a new password in the New
Password and Confirm New Password fields.
6. Tap OK.