LS 3070 Product Reference Guide: Interface Guide
5. Locate the end of the RL 470 base station cable that branches into a “Y”.
Slide that end under the board assembly inside the register. Leave enough
slack to make the connection required in the next few steps.
6. Mate the RL 470 base station cable “Y” branch ending in a 2 x13 female box-
type connector to P1 on the K8 T-board. Connector P1 is the middle
connector on the T-Board.
Note: Connector position 1 of the mating pair is keyed.
7. Locate connector P2 on the K8 T-board; it is the top connector on the board.
Mate P2 with the ribbon connector marked I/O P7. Be sure the ribbon
connector label I/O P7 faces up. Also be sure the left and right edges of the
two connectors line up. This check is very important, as the connectors are
not keyed.
8. Mate the RL 470 base station cable “Y” branch ending in a 2X6 female box-
type connector to P1 on the T-board (p/n 21-03428-01). Connector P1 is the
middle connector on the T-board.
Note: The connector position 1 of the mating pair is
9. If J3 on the processor board had a cable mating to it, that cable must now
mate with connector P2 on the T-board (p/n 21-03428-01).
Note: The cable must have the same orientation it had
when removed from J3 on the processor board. If
no cable was mating with J3, then P2 on the
T-board (p/n 21-03428-01) is left unconnected.
10. Carefully slide the board assembly to its original position in the card slide.
Then return the card slide to its retracted position. Check that all cables
mating to the board assemblies are still firmly seated in position.
11. Locate the supplied cable fastener hardware. Using the hardware, secure
the RL 470 base station cable to one of the cable fastening posts located at
the bottom front edge of the terminal housing. Replace the grille removed
at the beginning of this procedure. The RL 470 base station cable should be
positioned so that it fits through a slot located at the bottom of the grille.
You can now attach your scanner and peripheral devices.