Switch Management Overview
virtual terminal protocol (Telnet), and a terminal connecting directly to the console port through a null-
modem serial cable.
1.4.2 SNMP Protocol
SNMP is the standard management protocol for multi-vendor IP networks. SNMP supports
transaction-based queries allowing the protocol to format messages and transmit information
between reporting devices and data-collection programs. SNMP runs on top of the User Datagram
Protocol (UDP), offering a connectionless-mode service.
1.5 Default Installation
1.5.1 Preparing for Site Installation
Site preparation for the ES3000 Ethernet Switch installation begins with a site survey and network
analysis. Review the site survey reports to determine specific equipment placement, site-specific port
capacity, and power drops. Ensure the installation area is free of dust and dirt.
Review the following guidelines for site preparation:
• Assign installation responsibility to appropriate personnel.
• Identify where all installed components are located.
• Verify appropriate rack mounting requirements.
• Arrange for a sufficient number of power drops to support the equipment installation.
• Verify adequate ventilation to all installed equipment.
• Identify and prepare Ethernet and TCP/IP and serial port connections.
• Verify cable lengths are within maximum allowable distances for optimal signal