fe a T U r e s o f yo U r ha n d -sT a n d Mi x e r
A. Attachment Eject Button
B. Speed Control Dial
C. Burst of Power
Button – This feature allows for an added boost
to the selected speed setting at the press of a button.
D. Ergonomic Handle – The handle has been ergonomically designed
to provide comfort to prevent hand fatigue during heavy or long
mixing tasks.
E. Heel Rest – The newly designed heel rest provides exceptional
F. Base – The bowl rest tab allows you to easily rest the hand mixer
against the bowl to provide more stability and comfort while mixing.
G. Bowl – For holding contents, use with Hand Mixer or mount to
stand for Stand Mixer usage.
H. Head Release – Button to release Hand Mixer portion from stand.
I. Head Tilt – Button to tilt head back for easy bowl and accessory
J. Beaters – For creaming butter and sugar, plus mixing cake batter.
K. Dough Hooks – To knead light dough or other heavy batters.
he l p f U l hi n T s
• Whenmixingliquids,especiallyhotliquid,addsmallquantitiesata
time to reduce spillage.
• Ingredientsshouldbeaddedtothemixingbowlastheyarespecied
in the recipe.
• Usethemixingspeedthatisrecommendedintherecipe.Usethespeed
• Iftimesarespeciedintherecipe,usethem!BECAREFULNOTTO
very tough.
• Shouldanobject,suchasaspatula,fallintothebowlwhilethemixeris
• Foreasierclean-upremovebeatersandrinseimmediatelywith
warm water.
Mixing gU i d e
Please keep in mind that the various mixing tasks and related speeds,
listed in the table below, may vary slightly from recipe to recipe.
For most recipes, it is better to begin your mixing on a slower speed
until the ingredients begin combining, then move to the appropriate
speed range for the particular task.
When mixing larger quantities you may need to increase the hand-stand
mixer speed due to the amount of mixing required and the larger load
on the machine.
spee d gU i d e f o r ha n d -sT a n d Mi x e r
Mix in g
speed Tasks ex a M p l e
0 Off
1 Stir Use when stirring liquid ingredients or when
mixing dry and liquid together alternately in a
recipe. Use when preparing any of the ready-
prepared or packaged instant puddings
2 Mix Use when a recipe calls for combining ingredients
require a brisk action, just enough to blend.
3 Blend Use when preparing cake mixes or for directions
calling for a medium speed. Use to cream butter
and sugar together.
4 Beat Use when preparing a frosting from a recipe or
package. Use when whipping cream for desserts.
5 Whip Use to mash potatoes to develop a light and fluffy
texture. Use when whipping egg whites.