This chapter contains information necessary to prepare the system for service.
Included are system power off and on, and external cable removal procedures.
12.1 Powering Off the System
Before turning off system power, halt the operating system as shown below.
Failure to halt the operating system properly can cause the loss of disk drive
If you are troubleshooting system problems, you may find it convenient to
reset the system or even cycle system power from the console. See Section 9.5.2,
“Resetting and Power Cycling the System from a Remote Console,” on
page 9-13.
12.1.1 Enterprise 6000/5000 Cabinet Systems
1. Notify users that the system is going down.
2. Back up the system files and data to tape, if necessary.
Powering Off the System page 12-1
Removing the External Cables page 12-5
Restarting the System page 12-7
Reading Boot Messages page 12-10