To wire the granulator, run power (of the proper voltage) from the plant source through a lockable,
fusible disconnect to the machine electrical control panel.
To wire the jackscrew motors, run power (of proper voltage) from the plant source through a fusible disconnect to
the machine-mounted jackscrew control panel.
From the main electrical control panel, make the necessary control circuit connections to the hydraulic
cylinders/jackscrew control panel. Refer to the wiring diagrams supplied with the machine.
Wiring from the hydraulic cylinders/jackscrew console to the safety switches, zero speed sensor and
hydraulic pump/valves or cutting chamber/screen cradle jackscrew is done at the factory.
From the main electrical panel, make the necessary wiring connections to the main drive motor and any
auxiliary motors or control connections.
Refer to the wiring diagram appended to this manual for wiring connections for typical machine
applications. Check the wiring diagram supplied for any wiring that is specific to your application. This
diagram is part of the documentation shipped with the machine.
After power is connected, do not make any adjustments to the machine without performing the
following operations.
TURN POWER OFF and LOCK IT OUT per OSHA 1910.147 OR ANSI Z244.1-1982 (Lockout/Tag-
out of Energy Sources).
If you cannot lock out the power, have an electrician remove the fuses.
Tag the machine as OUT OF SERVICE.
Make sure the rotor has come to a complete stop.
The hydraulic cylinders/jackscrews, which open the machine, should not operate until the rotor is
completely stopped. If you discover that the hydraulic cylinders/jackscrews DO operate while the rotor
is still turning, immediately shut down the machine and call for maintenance to adjust it.
Wear gloves to protect against injury from the rotor or bed knives.