Ta ble of con tents
1. Gen eral in struc tions (Ver sion: 64.10-0251GB01 08/02).........................1-1
1.1. Warn ings and sym bols.............................................1-2
1.2. Ex pla na tions and in for ma tion .......................................1-3
1.3. Le gal ba sis ......................................................1-3
1.4. Fields of ap pli ca tions ..............................................1-3
1.5. Notes on us age...................................................1-3
2. Safety in struc tions (Ver sion: 64.10-0251GB01 08/02) ..........................2-1
2.1. For your safety ...................................................2-2
2.2. For the op er at ing safety of the equip ment .............................2-5
3. Start-up (Ver sion: 64.10-0251GB01 08/02) ....................................3-1
3.1. Ad justing the con vey ing ra tio........................................3-2
3.2. De ter mining the switch ing cy cle du ra tion ..............................3-3
3.3. Set ting the switch ing cy cles.........................................3-5
4. Er ror and er ror cor rec tion (Ver sion: 64.10-0251GB01 08/02) ....................4-1
5. Main te nance (Ver sion: 64.10-0251GB01 08/02) ................................5-1
5.1. Main te nance in ter vals .............................................5-2
6. Func tional de scrip tion (Ver sion: 64.10-0251D01 08/02) ........................6-1
6.1. Gen eral in for ma tion ...............................................6-2
6.2. Con trol..........................................................6-2
6.2.1. Ver sion 1...............................................6-2
6.2.2. Ver sion 2 (op tional) ......................................6-4
7. Trans port, As sem bly and Stor age (Ver sion: 64.10-0251GB01 08/02) .............7-1
7.1. Trans port and Packing .............................................7-2
7.2. As sem bly........................................................7-2
7.3. Stor age .........................................................7-2