CAUTION: DO NOT use lacquer thinner, acetone, or other solvents to clean powder-coated finishes on the framework
or other structural components. Solvents will dull the finish, and contain components that may remove the epoxy-
based powder from the frame.
Framework and other structural components should be wiped down on a daily basis using a moistened with water. This will
increase the longevity of protective powder-coat finishes. The framework should be inspected while cleaning for evidence of fatigue
cracks, scratches or chips in the finish, loose hardware, worn or damaged weight belts, and other areas that may require atten-
Apply easy-application car wax to all powder-coated surfaces quarterly. Regular waxing will aid in preventing premature rusting
due to corrosives found in perspiration, and will allow loose particles to be removed more easily when performing the daily wipe-
Procedures to repair scratches and chips depend on the severity of the damage:
Surface scratches can generally be repaired by polishing with an automotive rubbing compound.
Deep scratches and chips must be repaired by filling the damaged area using a “touch-up” bottle of color-matched paint
(available through the STAR TRAC Parts Department). Fill the damaged area sparingly, using two or more coats. Allow
the area to dry thoroughly between coats. Once the touch-up is complete, it can be left “as is”, or it can be blended and color-
sanded to the surrounding surface.
NOTE: The process of blending and sanding repaired areas to the surrounding surface is difficult. It should be attempted ONLY
by persons knowledgeable in this area.
The weight stack shrouds are made of PETG (glycol-modified polyethylene terephthalate). Proper cleaning is necessary to pre-
serve the appearance of the shrouds. The following cleaners are compatible with PETG: Original Dawn®, Freon® T.F., Palmolive
Liquid®, Top Job® and Windex® with Ammonia D.
CAUTION: Use ONLY recommended cleaning agents and procedures when cleaning the weight stack shrouds:
DO NOT use abrasive or highly alkaline cleaners to clean the shrouds.
DO NOT use scrape the shrouds with squeegees, razor blades or other sharp instruments. DO NOT scrub or use
brushes on the shrouds.
DO NOT use Benzene, gasoline, acetone or tetrachloride to clean the shrouds.
DO NOT clean the shrouds in hot sun or at elevated temperatures.
Wash the shrouds using a clean sponge or soft cloth, and a solution of mild soap or detergent and lukewarm water. Rinse well with
clean water, and dry thoroughly with a chamois or moist cellulose sponge to prevent water spots.
Remove stubborn accumulations (paint, grease, scuff marks) before drying by rubbing lightly with Isopropyl alcohol. Remove
labels, placards or other adhesive residue using kerosene. If solvent does not penetrate the adhesive, heat the area using a hand-
held blow dryer to soften the adhesive and aid in removal.
Clean all areas treated with solvent using a clean sponge or soft cloth, and a solution of mild soap or detergent and lukewarm
water. Rinse thoroughly with clean water.
CAUTION: DO NOT use cleaners such as Lysol®, Armor All®, Windex®, or other abrasive detergents to clean uphol-
stered surfaces. These products will remove moisture from the Naugahyde® upholstery, resulting in premature
Upholstered cushions should be cleaned on a daily basis to prevent damaged due to corrosives found in perspiration.
Wipe the top and sides of upholstered cushions using a cloth moistened with a solution of one part lanolin hand cleaner to nine
parts water. After cleaning, wipe down using a dry towel to remove any residue.
Remove the packing materials, foam inserts, and ALL parts from each shipping carton. Keep the contents of each carton in
a separate area to facilitate assembly. To ensure personal safety during assembly, place all packing materials outside the
assembly area.
Verify that all parts listed above are included in your shipment.
Take time now to enter your INSTINCT INNER THIGH / OUTER THIGH serial number in the space below. If parts are miss-
ing, or if you have any operational questions, please call Star Trac’s Service department at (800) 503-1221; have your serial num-
ber ready.
Serial No. __________________________________________
1. Assemble the Main Frame
Install one pedal shaft (47) into the left-side
shaft guide in the main frame (2). Secure the
pedal shaft to the main frame using one screw
(75), spring washer (88) and washer (85).
Tighten the screw securely. Install the pedal
stop (50) on the pedal shaft (47).
Install the remaining pedal shaft (47) into the
right-side shaft guide in the main frame (2).
Secure the pedal shaft to the main frame using
one screw (75), spring washer (88) and washer
(85). Tighten the screw securely. Install the
pedal stop (50) on the pedal shaft (47).
Assemble one washer (31), the flywheel lever
(11), one washer (31), the range-of-motion fly-
wheel (10) and the washer (51) on the pedal
shaft (47).
2. Assemble the Main Frame to the Weight Stack Frame
Align the two drilled holes in the center frame
(3) with the mating holes in the bottom of the
weight stack frame (1). Secure the center
frame to the weight stack frame using two
screws (67), four washers (85), and two lock
nuts (82). Tighten the nuts securely.
Slide the right crossbeam (4) onto the support
posts on the weight stack frame (1). Secure the
right crossbeam to the weight stack frame
using two screws (69), four washers (85) and
two lock nuts (82). Tighten the nuts securely.
Repeat for the left crossbeam (5).
Position the main frame (2) so the crossbeam
support posts engage the right and left cross-
beams (4, 5).
Secure the main frame to the right and left
crossbeams using four screws (69), eight wash-
ers (85), and four lock nuts (82). Tighten the
nuts securely.
Secure the main frame to the center frame
using two screws (67), four washers (85), and
two lock nuts (82). Tighten the nuts securely.