IW12 User Manual ◄ 11
The wrench impact mechanism must be cleaned and
greased with waterproof grease after every day of use.
The main housing valve and motor are sealed and do
not require maintenance unless they are malfunctioning.
Remove, clean, grease and assemble the impact mech-
anism as described in the IW12 Service Manual.
3. Select the direction of impact desired using the ro-
tary reversing valve located on the left side of the
wrench. To select clockwise direction, move the le-
ver toward the front (drive end) of the wrench. To
select counterclockwise direction, move the lever to
the rear (handle end) of the wrench.
To more accurately tighten bolts, lubricate threads,
check with a torque wrench and duplicate time of
impacting for other bolts of the same length and
thread size.
4. Squeeze the trigger to activate the wrench.
5. Release the trigger to stop the wrench.
If the wrench is to be used during cold weather, preheat
the hydraulic uid at low engine speed. When using the
normally recommended uids, uid temperature should
be at or above 50 °F/10 °C (400 ssu/82 centistokes) be-
fore use.
Damage to the hydraulic system or wrench can result
from use with uid that is too viscous or too thick.