Specification Value
NC Class Stainless Cooling Tower
Specifications: Base
8.0 Hot Water Distribution System:
8.1 Two stainless steel open basins (one
above each bank of fill) shall receive
hot water piped to each cell of the
tower. These basins shall be installed
and sealed at the factory, and shall be
equipped with removable, stainless
steel covers capable of withstanding
the loads described in paragraph 4.1.
All components of these basins, with
the exception of the nozzles, shall be
stainless steel. The water distribution
system shall be accessible and main-
tainable during tower fan and water
8.2 Each basin shall include an inlet
hole and bolt circle to accept a 125#
flange connection per ANSI B16.1.
Removable, interchangeable polypro-
pylene nozzles installed in the floor of
these basins shall provide full coverage
of the fill by gravity flow.
8.3 The water distribution system shall
be accessible and maintainable while
tower is operating.
9.0 Casing, Fan Deck and Fan Guard:
9.1 The casing and fan deck shall be
heavy-gauge stainless steel, and shall
be capable of withstanding the loads
described in paragraph 4.1. The top of
the fan cylinder shall be equipped with
a conical, non-sagging, removable fan
guard, fabricated of welded 8mm and
7 gauge rods, and hot dip galvanized
after fabrication. Fan cylinders 1.5m in
height and over shall not be required to
have a fan guard.
■ Gravity-flow distribution basins are a feature of crossflow type tow-
ers, resulting in operating pump heads of 3 to 6 meters less than that
encountered in counterflow towers with pressurized spray systems.
Also, these basins are located where they can be easily inspected—
even maintained—while the tower is in operation.
■ Some manufacturers require shutting down the tower to clean the dis-
tribution system. Can you afford to do that?
■ Materials other than heavy-gauge steel for fan decks may be unable to
meet your specified loading requirements. See remarks Guardrail and
Ladder on page 13.
In addition steel is excellent at resisting damage, cracking, UV and fire.
The heavy construction of the Marley fan guard generally precludes the
need for stainless
steel material. If
you would prefer
these to be stain-
less steel, please
adjust the word-
ing of the last sen-
tence accordingly.