centrations. The following table shows the minimum amount of blowdown
(percent of flow) required to maintain different concentrations with various
cooling ranges*:
* Range=Differencebetweenhotwatertemperatureandcoldwatertemperature.
EXAMPLE: EXAMPLE:44.2L/scirculatingrate,10°Ccoolingrange.To
If fluid cooler is operated at 4 concentrations, circulating water will contain
four times as much dissolved solid as the makeup water, assuming none
of the solids form scale or are otherwise removed from the system.
When water treatment chemicals are added, they should not be in-
troduced into the circulating water system via the water collection
basin of the fluid cooler. Water velocities are lowest at that point,
distribution piping on the pressure side of the pump.
Cooling Range
Number of Concentrations
1.5X 2.0X 2.5X 3.0X 4.0X 5.0X 6.0X
3°C .78 .38 .25 .18 .11 .08 .06
6°C 1.58 .78 .51 .38 .25 .18 .14
9°C 2.38 1.18 .78 .58 .38 .28 .22
11°C 3.18 1.58 1.05 .78 .51 .38 .30
14°C 3.98 1.98 1.32 .98 .64 .48 .38