
Just about anyone can put together a device that cools
water. Some might even claim to be leaders in the cooling
tower business. But the fact is, one company has had more
new ideas than all the rest combined. No other cooling
tower manufacturer has advanced the industry more than
the combined resources of SPX Cooling Technologies.
If we can help in any way, feel free to call us. To fi nd your
Marley representative, call +44 (0) 1905 720 200 or check
the web at spxcooling.com.
Technical Reference Manual TECH NC provides
engineering schematics, data, and information necessary for
initial tower layout. See your Marley sales representative for
a copy or download at spxcooling.com.
Product Specifi cations SPEC SSNC and SPEC NC
detail the tower in the form of specifi cation language, and
provide technical as well as common-sense information
on the importance of your specifi cations. SPEC SSNC
applies to the stainless steel NC Class models and SPEC
NC applies to the galvanized NC Class models. See your
Marley sales representative for a copy of each or download
at spxcooling.com.
T h e M a r l e y D i f f e r e n c e
Gregory‘s Bank
Worcester WR3 8AB, UK
+44 (0) 1905 720 200
In the interest of technological progress,
all products are subject to design and/or
material change without notice.
©2007 SPX Cooling Technologies
Hamon Dry Cooling
Cooling Technologies