/ Design Flexibility /
Class W400 cooling towers are available in numerous
basic cell sizes. Length and width may vary in 6'-0"
increments. Tower height, ll height and ll density are also
Within each cell size, several aspects of the basic
design can change. Variations in fan type, size, and
applied horsepower; fan cylinder height and shape; drift
eliminator type and density; and water distribution type,
elevation, and operating pressure will all affect operating
Therefore, the designer can choose from numerous
possible component combinations for each cell size.
Several options may result in economical selections
capable of the thermal performance requirements, but only
one will optimally satisfy the fan horsepower, pump head,
plan area, and other evaluation parameters contained in
the owner’s specications.
Our design engineers review each cooling tower
application to assure that the components selected
will work together as efciently as possible. Computer
optimization assures maximum cooling from a given tower
cell size for each set of design performance conditions.
/ The Marley Difference /
Because we design and manufacture virtually all the
components of the Class W400 cooling tower, you'll
benet from single source responsibility and reliability.
All components are designed and selected to be a part
of an integrated system. For example, the spray pattern
from the nozzles and the pressure drop through the drift
eliminators both affect the ll’s heat transfer capacity. We
include that impact in our thermal analysis.
The drift eliminators must be effective at the air
velocities where the ll is most efcient. We’ve carefully
designed both components to work together efciently.
How many other cooling tower companies can
offer you this assurance? They may use one brand of
nozzles with another brand of ll and a third brand of drift
eliminators. When they all come together, the whole may
be less than the sum of the parts.
Our total system design approach assures that all
the parts work together to provide you the greatest total
And because we design specically for cooling tower
applications, all of our components will provide many years
of service with minimal maintenance.