Fiberglass Pultrusion Fits The Marley
“Total Systems” Approach
The pultrusion process produces a product with definite,
predictable, and measurable performance. Extensive
laboratory, university, and field testing for long-term effects
of deflection, bending, shear, buckling, and temperature has
enabled us to simulate and evaluate its performance.
Advantages of pultrusion structural members:
■ High Strength
Structural pultrusions approximate the strength of steel in
tension and compression.
■ Light Weight
80% less than steel, 30% less than aluminum.
■ Corrosion Resistance
Impervious to a broad range of corrosive materials; immune
to deterioration.
■ Quality Construction
Cut and predrilled to exact specifications at Marley factories,
fiberglass pultrusions will not warp, twist, or split after
fabrication which simplifies field assembly and component
replacement. And, tower construction is safe, reliable and
efficient using pultruded structural components.
■ Wet/Dry Operation
Fiberglass is perfect for “cycled” cooling towers as it is
naturally impervious to splitting and checking.
■ Non-Conductive
Reduces the hazard of electrical shock compared with metal
structure towers.
■ No Preservative Treatment Chemicals
are used in the cooling tower structure.
■ Fire-Resistant Formulations
are available as an option.