The Marley Geareducer
has become the standard
by which all other cooling tower fan speed reducers
are judged. Numerous reduction ratios are available so
that horsepower is applied at optimum fan speed. The
specific Geareducer selection is based on fan speed and
horsepower requirements up to 300 hp per fan.
Marley Geareducers are designed to meet or exceed
the requirements of CTI (Cooling Tower Institute) STD-111
and AGMA Std. 420.04, and are run-in under load prior
to shipment. Housings are gray cast iron (ASTM Class
20), heat-treatment stress relieved, and covered with two
coats of epoxy-polyamide paint. Gears are high strength,
case hardened alloy steel. All bearings are tapered roller
bearings with minimum B
service life of 100,000 hours.
Service factors are at least 2.0 at applied horsepower.
All Marley Geareducers are right-angle type with motors
located outside the saturated effluent airstream.
Splash-type lubrication and integral cooling fins
preclude the need for maintenance-intensive oil pumps
and coolers. A constant oil bath or flow lubricates every
bearing. Lubrication is maintained in forward or reverse
motion—at full or half speed. Geareducers on Class 600
towers are equipped with remote sight gauge and drain
lines, which permit constant surveillance of oil level in
each unit.
Marley-manufactured driveshafts transmit power
from the motor to the Geareducer. All Marley driveshafts
are manufactured from either carbon fiber composite or
stainless steel tubes with stainless steel flanges. Bonded
neoprene flexible elements transmit torque and require no
lubrication. Marley driveshafts are full-floating assemblies
with flexible couplings on each end. Their tolerance to
misalignment and torsional shock is unequalled in non-
specialized units. All Marley driveshafts are dynamically
balanced at the factory to minimize operating vibrations.
Unitized Support
The Marley torque-tube unitized support stabilizes
the fan within the fan cylinder and maintains constant
alignment between the motor and the Geareducer. It is
a welded unit of large diameter pipe, heavy angles and
plate, and hot dip galvanized after assembly. The large
tube design locates the fan at its optimum operating
elevation within the fan cylinder and provides excellent
torsion resistance along all potential axes of movement.
It is fastened to the wood structure through heavy wide
flange beams. Formed retainers surround and contain the
drive shafts.
In addition to superior strength and stability
characteristics, the Marley torque-tube offers minimal
airflow restriction in comparison to typical boxlike
configurations. Its cylindrical shape also minimizes air
turbulence in the fan entrance region.