
/ The Marley Difference /
You’ll enjoy single source responsibility and reliability
because we design and manufacture virtually all major cooling
tower components.
All Marley components are designed and selected to be
part of an integrated system. For example, the spray pattern
from nozzles and the pressure drop through drift eliminators
both affect a ll’s heat transfer capacity. So, we include that
impact in our thermal analysis.
Drift eliminators must be effective at the air velocities
where ll is most efcient. So, we’ve carefully designed both
components to work together efciently.
How many other cooling tower companies can offer you
this assurance? They may use Brand “A” nozzles with Brand
“B” ll and Brand “C” drift eliminators. When they all come
together, the whole may be less than the sum of the parts.
Our total system approach assures that all the parts work
together to provide you the greatest total performance.
And because we design specically for cooling towers,
all our components will provide many years of service with
minimal maintenance. From design through installation and on
throughout your tower’s life, all of SPX will work for you.
Guaranteed Performance. Don’t rely on outside agencies
with limited enforcement powers. We’ll stand by our
responsibility for reliable thermal performance. We designed
it. We rate it. We guarantee it!
Long Service Life. We’ve carefully chosen all the materials
used in Class 160 towers for their corrosion resistance
and suitability for cooling tower service. Pressure-treated
lumber, heavy-galvanized steel, stainless steel, PVC and
berglass keep your Class 160 tower working year after
Efficient Field Assembly. Precise factory fabrication assures
that every component in your Class 160 tower will t as
designed. And SPX offers an unparalleled nationwide
construction organization to build your tower quickly and
Easy Maintenance Access. The Class 160’s crossow design
gives you quick, direct access to the open distribution
basins, plenum and mechanical components for regular
inspection and service.
Low Operating Costs. Marley high-efciency ll and fans,
gravity-ow water distribution, and efcient Geareducer
drive work together to offer maximum cooling with
minimum power use.
Low Maintenance Costs. Induced-draft propeller fans on
Marley rightangle Geareducer units; TEFC, 1.15 service
factor motors; and heavy-duty mechanical equipment
supports assure long service life with minimal maintenance.
All-Season Reliability. Class 160 towers perform as specied
in the heat of summer. They respond well to energy
management techniques in the spring and fall. They
operate virtually ice-free in the dead of winter. And they
offer simple maintenance all year long.
We guarantee it!
Single Source Parts Availability. SPX designs, manufactures,
guarantees, and stocks all major components of the tower
except motors and some fan sizes. In fact, we stock many
of those parts, too. We’ll have the parts if you ever need
/ Class 160 Tower Advantage /