The booth eq has two bands. Both controls give a cut/boost of +/-6dB.
The level of the booth outputs is controlled via this pot.
This 3-position works as follows:
left: mono signal is fed to booth left ouput only
stereo: normal stereo
right: mono signal is fed to booth right ouput only
When depressed this switch causes the booth outputs to be cut by 12dB.
XF Curve
The XF Curve pot allows the cross-fader law to be varied from ‘constant power’ mode to ‘performance/scratch’ mode.
In normal mode the headphones circuit monitors the master left & right outputs. A cue switch anywhere on the desk is pressed the
headphones will monitor the appropriate signal.
The level pot controls the signal level sent to the headphones.
The single eq pot varies the headphones between dark and bright characteristics. Dark = treble cut and Bright = bass cut.
Balance Pot
The balance pot allows adjustment of the left/right balance of the stereo headphone signal. In split mode the balance pot becomes
a mono cue/main pan control. In cue mode the balance control becomes a stereo cue/main balance control.
Split Mode
The split button, when depressed, activates split mode. in split mode the the cue-sum (cue L+R) goes to the left headphone, and the
main-sum goes to the right headphone. This only operates when a cue switch is pressed. The balance pot becomes a cue/main pan
Flip Mode
This reverses the left/right feeds in split mode. Flip mode only operates within split mode.
There are two sockets: a 1/4” (6.35mm) and a 3.5mm socket. This allows the use of both types of plug without the need for adaptors.
It is not intended that two sets of headphones be connected at the same time.