Sonance Volume Controls
VCLL Line-Level Volume Controls
Sonance Line-Level Volume Controls
Sonance VCLL line-level volume controls can be used to control the volume of the
Sonance iPort™ docking system for the Apple® iPod in local audio systems. They
can also be used in various system configurations to control the volume of other
line-level audio sources in various system configurations.
Available in rotary (VCLL R) and slider (VCLL S) versions,both VCLL models have
a volume attenuation range from maximum signal to full off. and are designed
to be mounted in a standard single- or double-gang J-Box. Input and output
connections can be made either by four female RCA jacks or a 5-pin connector.
Both models include Decora® mounting hardware; the VCLL R also includes
standard hardware.
212 Avenida Fabricante
San Clemente,CA 92672-7531 USA
(800) 582-7777 or (949)492-7777
FAX: (949) 361-5151
Technical Support: (800) 582-0772
®2005 Sonance,All Rights Reserved. Sonance is a registered trademark of Dana Innovations. Sonance iPort is a trademark of Sonance.
Apple and iPod are trademarks of Apple Computer, Inc.Registered in the U.S.and other Countries. Decora is a registered trademark of Leviton Manufacturing Co. Inc.
All features and specifications are subject to change without notice.
VCLL R shown
Typical VCLL Connection
To The iPort
Input Impedance: 10k ohms
Output Impedance: 10k ohms ~ 0 ohms
Maximum Input Voltage: 10V program
Dimensions (W x H x D): 1
/8” x 4” x 3” (41mm x 102mm x 76mm)
Fits standard single- and double-gang J boxes.
Shipping Weight: 1 lb (0.45KG)
Typical VCLL Connection
To A Local-Zone Audio System