33.. IInntteeggrraatteedd aammpplliiffiieerr wwiitthh lleefftt
&& rriigghhtt lliinnee--lleevveell oouuttppuuttss bbuutt
nnoo MMaaiinn IInn oorr AAmmpp IInn jjaacckkss
FFiigguurree 88
Use a stereo audio cable to
connect connect the integrated
amplifier’s left and right Line
Outputs to the subwoofer’s left
and right L
INE INPUT jacks. If
you’re installing two subwoofers
in the system, connect the inte-
grated amp’s left Line Output to
one subwoofer’s left L
jack and connect the integrated
amp’s right Line Output to the
other subwoofer’s right L
INPUT jack.
44.. RReecceeiivveerr oorr iinntteeggrraatteedd aammpplliiffiieerr
wwiitt hh nn oo lliinn ee--ll eevv eell oouutt ppuutt ss
FFiigguurree 99
Use speaker wire to connect the
receiver/ integrated amplifier’s
left and right speaker outputs to
the subwoofer’s left and right
PEAKER INPUTS. Use additional
lengths of speaker wire to
connect the subwoofer’s left and
right S
PEAKER OUTPUTS to the left
and right main speakers.
If you are installing two
subwoofers in the system, use a
length of speaker wire to connect
the receiver/ integrated amplifier’s
left Speaker Output to the left S
PEAKER INPUT of one subwoofer, and use another length of speaker wire to connect that
subwoofer’s right S
PEAKER OUTPUT to the left main speaker. Use another length of speaker wire to connect the receiver/
integrated amplifier’s right Speaker Output to the right S
PEAKER INPUT of the other subwoofer and another length of
speaker wire to connect that subwoofer’s right S
PEAKER OUTPUT to the right main speaker.