Surround Speakers (7.1-Channel System)
•• LLeefftt && RRiigghhtt SSuurrrroouunndd SSppeeaakkeerrss::
Place the left
and right surround speakers directly to the sides
of the listening position, at least 5 feet from the
•• SSuurrrroouunndd BBaacckk SSppeeaakkeerrss::
Place the surround
back speakers in the rear wall, between 3 feet
and 6 feet apart and at least 5 feet from the
Figure 5
as a guide.
Selecting the Proper Speaker Wire
For the best sound we recommend that you use
premium Sonance MediaLinQ
speaker cable,
which also complies with UL fire rating codes.
You may also experiment with audiophile brands of
speaker cable and interconnects, but be sure to
check local codes governing wire that may be installed
within walls or ceilings. Different brands of wire can have
different sonic characteristics, and some may be more
compatible with the sonic “signature” of your various
audio system components.
For the best sound you should never use thin-gauge speaker
wire – it will constrict the sound and diminish bass
response. Extra resistance in the speaker wire can make a
speaker sound less dynamic and reduce definition of the
bass frequencies. In extreme cases, it can even attenuate
high frequencies. Also, amplifier power is wasted in thin
wire with extra resistance, reducing your system’s
maximum output level. To prevent degrading sound
quality, the total wire resistance should be less than 10%
of the speaker’s impedance. This means that for an 8-ohm
speaker, the total resistance of the wire should be less than 0.8 ohms. Refer to
Figure 6
when selecting the proper wire
gauge for your system.