
*: Item: Selection: Entry:
A Tax 4 status Taxable 1
Non-taxable* 0
B Tax 3 status Taxable 1
Non-taxable* 0
C Tax 2 status Taxable 1
Non-taxable* 0
D Tax 1 status Taxable 1
Non-taxable* 0
E +/- sign + (premium) sign 0
- (discount) sign* 1
F Item % / Item
Allow* 0
Disallow 1
G Subtotal % / Subtotal
Allow* 0
Disallow 1
H Entry digit limit for discount key 0-7 (default:7)
When programming percent keys, always enter 0 for H.
Tax status (taxable 1 through 4 / non-taxable)
• When taxable is selected, tax is applied to the amount obtained after premium or discount calculation.
+/- sign
• Programming of the +/- sign assigns the premium or discount function for each key.
Entry digit limit (For discount key only)
• The entry digit limit is in effect for the REG mode operations but can be overridden in the MGR mode. The
entry digit limit is represented by the number of allowable digits for the maximum entry amount for discount
key. If “0” is set, open price entry is prohibited.
Example: Programming the discount key as taxable 1, discount (minus sign), allowing both the item and
subtotal (-), and entry digit limit - 6 digits. (ABCDEFGH: 00011006)
Function parameters for
*: Item: Selection: Entry:
A Open rate entry Allow* 0
Disallow 1
B Preset rate entry Allow* 0
Disallow 1
From left, AB
PrintKey operation example
To program “0” for all items
From left, FGH
Tax status
PrintKey operation example
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