
Total in drawer report
Sample report
Cash in drawer
Cash plus check in drawer
Mode title
Report title
Transaction report
Sample report
This report shows the same
transaction data as when a full sales
report is run.
Mode title
Report title
PLU report by associated
Sample report
Sales q'ty and total
Mode title
Report title
dept. code
PLU code
Clerk reports
Individual clerk report
Sample report
*: When you take OPZ report, OPZ is printed.
Full clerk report
The printout occurs in the same format as in the
sample report of individual clerk, but all clerks sales
data are printed in the order of clerk code number
(from #1 to #20).
Mode title*
Report title
Clerk code
Clerk name
Customer counter
Sales total
Net sales
Commission 1 sales total
Commission 1 amount
Commission amount total
Non commission sales
Hourly report
Sample report
*: When you take Z1 report, Z1 is printed.
When you take an hourly report by range, a report
of the specified range of time (hour) is printed.
Mode title*
Report title
Customer counter
Sales total