
Action when EJ memory area is full
• By default, when the memory for EJ becomes nearly full, the cash register shows “N” at the 14th position of
the display (EJ memory nearly full message), and the cash register keeps storing new data while erasing the
oldest data. When “0” is selected, the cash register will no longer show EJ memory nearly full message.
When “2” is selected, the cash register shows EJ memory nearly full message and when the memory is totally
full, the cash register locks the sales/data entry with a display of the memory full message “EJ DATA FULL”.
You will only be able to issue an EJ report.
Function selection for tax
Job code: 15
* Item: Selection: Entry:
A Always enter 0. (Fixed position) 0
B Always enter 0. (Fixed position) 0
C Always enter 0. (Fixed position) 0
D Always enter 0. (Fixed position) 0
E Always enter 0. (Fixed position) 0
F Always enter 0. (Fixed position) 0
G Tax delete in REG mode availability Allow tax delete in REG mode* 0
Disallow it 1
H Manual tax entry in Allow manual tax entry in REG mode* 0
REG mode availability Disallow it 1
Other programming
Job code: 61
* Item: Selection: Entry:
A Always enter 0. (Fixed position) 0
B Always enter 0. (Fixed position) 0
C Minus dept. and PLU/subdept. availability Disallow to program minus dept. and PLU/subdept. 0
Allow it* 1
D Fractional treatment Round off (4 down, 5 up)* 0
Raising to unit 1
Disregarding fractional treatment 2
E Use of
key Use
key as 00 key* 0
key as 000 key 1
F Time format Use 12-hour format* 0
Use 24-hour format 1
G Date format Use month-day-year format* 0
Use day-month-year format 1
Use year-month-day format 2
Position of decimal point (from right) (TAB)
0 to 3 (default 2)