List of downloading jobs (PGM2 mode)
Menu Job # Item Description Note
INITIAL D/L 4100 DEPT Department preset data Preset data copying with clearing
4119 DIRECT KEY Dept./PLU key preset data
for direct depts./PLUs
4200 PLU/UPC PLU/UPC Preset data copying with clearing
4218 PLU MENU KEY PLU menu key preset data Preset data copying with clearing
4220 LINK PLU Link PLU preset data Preset data copying with clearing
4223 CONDIMENT Condiment PLU preset data Preset data copying with clearing
4225 MIX & MATCH Mix & Match preset data Preset data copying with clearing
4228 COMBO MEAL Combo meal preset data Preset data copying with clearing
4229 UPC NON-PLU UPC non-PLU format Preset data copying with clearing
4300 TRANSACTION Transaction preset data Preset data copying with clearing
4409 SERV. SIGN OFF All server sign off
4600 OPTION Other preset data Programming Job #2035, 2616 -
2619, 2626 - 2630, 2635, 2860,
4610 DATE/TIME Date, time Preset data copying with clearing
4614 LOGO Logo text preset data Programming Job #2315, 2316,
2318, 2614, 2642, 2645 and
Default menu level preset data
Preset data copying with clearing
4700 TAX Tax preset data Preset data copying with clearing
4750 NEGATIVE# Negative no. Preset data copying with clearing
4850 POSITIVE# Positive no. Preset data copying with clearing
4851 MACRO KEY Macro key Preset data copying with clearing
Function menu key Preset data copying with clearing
4853 CAPTURE KEY Capture key Preset data copying with clearing
4854 CAPTURE JOB# Capture job no. Preset data copying with clearing
4800 ONLINE PRESET Online preset data Preset data copying with clearing
4900 INLINE PRESET Inline preset data Preset data copying with clearing
4950 KP PRESET Remote printer preset data Preset data copying with clearing
4990 DEVICE CONFIG Device configuration preset Preset data copying with clearing
4999 ALL PGM All PGM-mode preset data Downloading of Job #4000 to
(Excepting job #4409) 4990 is performed collectively.
5100 DEPT Department preset data Only preset data copying
5110 DEPT PRICE Department price preset data Only preset data copying
5101 DEPT CVM DATA Department CVM data Only preset data copying
5200 PLU/UPC PLU/UPC Only preset data copying
5210 PLU PRICE PLU price preset data Only preset data copying
5201 PLU CVM DATA PLU CVM data Only preset data copying
5220 LINK PLU Link PLU preset data Only preset data copying
5223 CONDIMENT Condiment PLU preset data Only preset data copying
5225 MIX & MATCH Mix & Match preset data Only preset data copying
5228 COMBO MEAL Combo meal preset data Only preset data copying
5229 COMBO CVM Combo CVM data Only preset data copying
5300 TRANSACTION Transaction preset data Only preset data copying
5850 POSITIVE# Positive no. Only preset data copying