FR240-FR162 01/11 Introduction Section 2-3
© 2011 Alamo Group Inc.
The Rhino Model FR240/FR162 Rotary Cutter is designed primarily for weed, grass, and brush up to 3"
diameter and consists of a center unit with two variable position wings together having a cutting width of 20
feet. Wing operating angles and machine cutting height are independently controlled using hydraulic cylinders.
A self-leveling linkage maintains a level cutter at all cutting heights. Power from the tractor PTO is split at the
power divider gearbox and supplied to each of the blade gearboxes. Each blade gearbox has two free-
swinging uplift blades designed to cut grass, corn stalks and light brush. Free-swinging blades reduce the
shock of impact when a stationary object is hit. Slip clutches are installed on each gearbox for additional
protection. Front and rear discharge shields are included as standard equipment.
Equipment Specifications
FR240 FR162 FR240 FR162
Cutting Width 240” 162” Blade Tip Speed 540 PTO 1000 PTO
Transport Width 115” 106” Center 15,675FPM 16,713 FPM
Overall Width 248” 170” Wings 16,524 FPM 15,812 FPM
Overall Length 216” 216”
Cutting Height 2”-16” 2”-16”
Gearbox Rating
HP Required (min) 80HP 80HP Power Divider 180 HP 180 HP
Cutting Capacity(max) 3” 3” Center & Wings 140 HP 140 HP
Drawbar Load Rating(min) 2770 lbs 2770lbs LImited Warranty 6 Year 6 Year
Wing Flex Up 90° 90°
Driveline Size
Wing Flex Down 22° 22° Main CAT 6 CV CAT 6 CV
Tongue Weight 2770 lbs 2770 lbs Wings CAT 6 HD CAT 6 HD
Limited Warranty 2 Year 2 Year