Assembly Section 3-3
© 2004 Alamo Group Inc.
LJ60/72 02-02
The Components of these machines are quite heavy. Block all components up securely before
working under or putting extremities under such parts.
To assemble the Mower’s A-Frame, follow the procedures listed below:
1. One side at a time, position the mower’s left and right A-frame halves (21 and 22) to the inside of the respective
front set of mower deck upright lugs. Align A-frame hole with with inside lug back hole. From inside the A-frame
half, insert a 3/4” x 2” bolt (19) to connect the A-frame half to the lug. Install a 3/4” locknut (20) onto bolt (19), but
do not tighten at this point. Repeat procedure on other A-frame half.
2. Position bushing (25) within the formed top link toggle (24) back set of holes (holes closest to bend). Raise A-
frame halves, and position top link (24) and bushing (25) between the two halves. Place a flat rear brace (23) on
outer side of each A-frame half (21 and 22). Align holes of flat rear braces (23), A-frame halves (21 and 22) top link
(24) and bushing (25). Insert a 3/4” x 5-1/2” bolt (15) through holes and retain bolt with a 3/4” locknut (20).
3. Place free end of flat rear braces (23) to the inside of mower deck upright rear lugs. One brace at a time, align
brace hole and respective lug’s upper hole. From the outside of lug, insert a 3/4” x 2” bolt (19) and retain with a 3/
4” locknut (20). Repeat procedure with remaining brace and lug.
4. Tighten all bolts and locknuts per recommended torque at this time.