HDI 302
IR Audio Transmission Technology | Receivers
The two-channel and stereo versions of Sennheiser’s new stethoset generation
operate on the extremely reliable carrier frequencies 2.3 and 2.8 MHz. They are an
ideal choice for applications where reproduction quality is paramount, e.g. for ste-
reo music transmissions.
The most versatile of these receivers is the HDI 302, which can be switched between
stereo operation and reception on channel 1 or 2. This option is very convenient
when you are, for example, planning to set up a high-quality mini interpretation
system. You could transmit two translations on channels 1 and 2 and reinforce the
floor language via a PA system. The RI 300 product variant is a pure stereo receiver,
which cannot be switched between channels.
The HDI 302 and RI 300 are fitted with a squelch which mutes the audio output
when the IR signal becomes too weak, thus avoiding loud hiss. The receivers are
powered by a BA 151 NiMH accupack which can be charged in the L 151-10 charging
unit while remaining in the receivers. Optionally, the L 151-10 also charges spare
accupacks instead of an entire receiver. The charging unit is powered by an NT 92
plug-in mains unit. The L 151-2 charger charges two accupacks and is supplied com-
plete with mains unit. For larger, professional applications, the charging units can
be cascaded. Up to five L 151-10 are then powered via an NT 2013 (or NG 2013-UK)
plug-in mains unit.
HDI 302 two-channel stethoset receiver
for altering
the frequency
Two IR receiving
diodes (behind
special plastic
Channel selector
Inserted BA 151
Channel selector switch of the HDI 302
Inserting the BA 151 accupack into the HDI 302
Alternative to charging a complete receiver: charging
of a spare accupack in the L 151-10 charging unit