To avoid injury and accidents, those who fall under the following catagories are not
allowed to play the game:
* Intoxicated persons
* Those who have high blood pressure or heart problems.
* Those who have experienced muscle convulsion or loss of consciousness when playing
video games, etc.
* Persons susceptible to motion sickness.
* Persons whose acts runs counter to the products warning displays.
* Instruct those who wear high-heeled shoes to refrain from playing the game by explain-
ing that playing the game with high-heeled shoes is very dangerous and likely to cause a
potentially hazardous situation.
To avoid electric shock and short circuit, do not allow customers to put hands and
fingers or extraneous matter in openings of the product or small openings in or
around doors.
To avoid electric shock and short circuit, do not allow the customers to unplug the
power plug without a justifiable reason.
Although this product has the accident preventive covering attached to potentially
hazardous places where hand and fingers could be caught, small children are unable
to perceive hazards. Use care so that small children do not come close to the
product when in play.
Immediately stop such violent acts as hitting and kicking the product. Such violent
acts can cause parts damage and/or falling down, resulting in injury due to frag-
ments and falling down.