When the rope is passed around the animal, pull the rope by inclingin the Lever towards you and approach the
Time is increased by at least onesecond each time the player get s the ring attached to the rope.
When the rope flashes red and the tension gauge displays “ATTENTION”, release the Lever to loosen the rope.
Otherwise the rope will be broken.
Throw the net over the animal. When the player’s view changes and the screen displays the sight, throw the net by
inclining the Lever backward. Zero-in on the animal unitl the animal is captured by the net with the net.
When the player succeeds to capture the animal without spending much time, the on-screen replay scene of
capturing the animal is displayed.
When the animal is captured, the on-screen image changes to the evaluation mode. Operation is not allowed during
this time.
In the evaluation mode, the animals are taken into the cage after the dsescriptions and the rank (number of *) of
animals captured, the time earned, and the points earned are displayed.
The evaluation is based on the rank of ther animals the playeer captured. The higher the rank, the more time and
points the player can earn.
However, capturing the identical animals decreases the amount of time and points the player casn earn