[ Replacement Parts - N8MPN (NaturalGas)
Models - N8MPNO50B12B1, NSMPNO75B12B1, N8MPNO75F16B1, NSMPN100F14B1, N8MPNIOOF2OB1, N8MPNlOOJ22B1,
N8MPN125J20B1, NSMPN125J22B1
Replacement part supplied will be current active part. For parts not listed, consult place of purchase.
Key Description Part I I I
No. Non- FunctionalParts Number 050B 075B 075F IOOF 100F 100J 125J 125J
12B1 12B1 16B1 14B1 20B1 22B1 20A1 22A1
AA Partition,FrtHt Exchanger 1013780 1
1013781 1
1013782 1 -
1013783 1 1 -
1013784 1 -
1013785 1 1
BB Gaskets,HeatExchanger 1013991 2
1013992 2 2
1013993 2 2 2 -
1013994 2 2
CC Tubing, Silicone 1172192 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
LL Sightglass 1172768 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
)( PartsNotIllustrated
)( Fuse,5Amp 1083348 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
)( Harness,Wire 1172811 1 1 1
1172812 1 1 1 1 1
44101261302 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
44102201100 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
)( Manual,Installation&Tech
)( Manual,Users
GasConversion Kits
Natto LP NAHA001LP(1172958)
LPtoNat NAHA001NG(1172960")
441 01 2613 02