Stitch Width and Length Buttons
Aft stitches in your Kenmore t00 Stitch are pro-set _or the best
stitch length _nd width. But if you wish to change the settings
You can set stitch width and length with those two buttons.
(Use one el: a time+ The machine wil_ remember the first one
whffe you set the other.)
Use the P_us "'+'" or Minus "'--" buttons t6 increase or decrease
the stitch width or length.
The tndicator screen wilt show the stitch width or length you
have selected.
• Stitch Width Button
This button controls the width of z_gza# stitches,
If Vou press the stitch width button while doing
straight stitching, the stitch width light wilt go on and
][he mdicator screen will show "'C" Your needte is
in the "Center'" If you press the "'+°" button, the
_ndicator w_tt show °'R" (Right). If you press the
°'-" button, the mdicator will show ""L'" (Left),
When you press this button for ZlgZa{.] stitches, the st#[£h width
light wiII _o on and the mdicator screen wffl show the preset
stitch width o_""5.0""
NOTE: The range of stLtch width depends on the stitch pattern you selecL
To Decrease the Stitch Width:
To Increase the Stitch Width:
P_ess the "'--'° button, The width will decrease Press the "+" button. The zigzag width will
by 0.5 mm to "0.0" each time you press the mcrease by 0.5 mm up to "7,0" each time you
button, pressthe button,
To Adjust the Stitch Width Quickly:
Hold Down the "-" or "+'" button until you reach the stltch width you desire.
To Return to the Preset Stitch Width (or clear the stitch widIh):
Press the Stitch Width b[_tton agam _or press the C_ear button },
The stitch width light and the mdicator screen will go off,