
Set the Machine
Stitch width
Top thread tenston
control 3 to 8 Stitch length
control 0.5 to 2
Stretch Stitch
A: Zigzag foot
The Stitch and Its Uses
Use this stitch to iota two pieces of
fabric to create an open work
appearance and add deslgn interest.
ii:iiii:iiii iiii iii iiiii ii "i ii i!iiii iiliiii i !!:iiii!ii !!¸iii
Here's How
1. Fold under each fabric edge 5/8"
and press.
2. Pin the two edges to paper or
tear-away backing 1/8" apart.
3. Sew slowly, guiding the fabric
so the needle catches the folded
edge on each side,
Set the Machine
Stitch width
control 3 to 5
Top thread tens=on
controt 2 to 6
Stitch length
control yeltow
stretch stitch
A: Zigzag loot
Stretch Stitch
The Stitch and Its Uses
Use as hemming stitch for blankets,
tablecloth and draperies.
Here's How
Place the fabric top slde up, and sew
3/8" from the edge.
Trim close to stitching. The stitch will
prevent raveling.