Keep your bicycle in a dry location away from the weather and the
sun. Ultraviolet rays may cause paint to fade or rubber and plastic
parts to crack.Before storing your bicycle for a long period of time,
clean and lubricate all components and wax the frame. Deflate the
tires to half pressure and hang the bicycle off the ground. Don't store
near electric motors as ozone emissions may effect the rubber and
paint. Don't cover with plastic as "sweating” will result which may
cause rusting. Please notice that your bicycle warranty does not
cover paint damage, rust, corrosion, dry rot, or theft.
It is advisable that the following steps be taken to prepare for and help
prevent possible theft.
1. Maintain a record of the bicycle’s serial number, generally located
on the frame underneath the bottom bracket.
2. Register the bicycle with the local police.
3. Invest in a high quality bicycle lock that will resist hack saws and
bolt cutters. Always lock your bicycle to an immovable object if it
is left unattended.