Configuring the TSXCUSBMBP Driver
35011984 02/2006
1. Explicit
The Explicit Addressing process is described as follows:
z Explicit Addressing is used whenever the Modbus ID in a message received
through the Virtual Serial Port is present in the Modbus Routing Table, regardless
of what range of values the Modbus ID falls into. In Explicit Addressing, the
routing path will be the one that was entered into the Modbus Routing Table for
the Modbus ID of the received message.
z Any value can be selected for the Modbus ID as long as it does not conflict with
any Modbus IDs currently used by the application for Direct Addressing or Implicit
Addressing. However, it is helpful for each Modbus ID to have some
correspondence in value to the Modbus Plus node that it will be used to access.
z If no Modbus Plus node addresses are duplicated in the network (same
Modbus Plus node address used on more than one local network if separated by
Bridge Plus devices), the Modbus IDs to use for Explicit Addressing can be the
actual Modbus Plus node addresses.
2. Direct
The Direct Addressing process is described as follows:
z If the Modbus ID in a message received through the Virtual Serial Port is not
present in the Modbus Routing Table and it is in the range of 1-64, the
TSXCUSBMBP Driver will use Direct Addressing.
z In Direct Addressing, the Modbus ID of the received message is used directly as
the 1st byte of the routing path, and the remaining 4 bytes are set to 0.
z For example, a Modbus ID of 2 would be routed to [], and a Modbus ID
of 45 would be routed to []
3. Implicit
The Implicit Adressing process is described as follows:
z If the Modbus ID in a message received through the Virtual Serial Port is not
present in the Modbus Routing Table and it is in the range of 80-255, Implicit
Addressing will be used.
z When the TSXCUSBMBP driver uses Implicit Addressing, it divides the Modbus
ID of the received message by 10. The quotient is used as the 1st byte of the
routing path, the remainder is used as the 2nd byte of the routing path, and the
remaining 3 bytes are set to 0. For example, a Modbus ID of 87 would be routed
to [], and a Modbus ID of 230 would be routed to [].