Appendix F—Connecting Third Party Devices to the Power Server 63230-216-207/A3
© 2002 Schneider Electric All Rights Reserved
18. Upon completion of the install wizard, select “No. I will start my computer
19.Click Finish.
20. Select all the files in the “C:\NetMeeting Received Files” folder and delete
21. Close the My Computer window.
22. Delete the files in your recycle bin by right-clicking the desktop icon and
selecting “Empty Recycle Bin.”
NOTE: If you want to configure your
POWERLOGIC system with the third
party device you just added, do not switch back to run mode. Instead
simply click the Restart button, configure your system, then proceed to
step 23.
23. After configuring your POWERLOGIC system with the new device type,
Click the Run Mode button on the Power Server Embedded Switch
window to restart the Power Server back in run mode.
24. Close NetMeeting.