6.2.10 Operating mode Motion Sequence
Starting the operating mode The operating mode is set and started in the process data channel
with the transmit data (master to slave).
Method dmControl
Bits 0 ... 6
Reference value RefA32 Reference value RefB32
Start sequence 1D
Data set number Value 1: Use data set
Start individual data set 3D
Data set number -
Status information The word "driveStat" provides information on the operating mode.
Bit Name Meaning
13 X_ADD1 1: End of a sequence
14 X_END 0: Operating mode started
1: Operating mode terminated
15 X_ERR 0: No error
1: Error
Terminating the operating mode The operating mode is terminated when the motor is at a standstill and
one of the following conditions is met:
Individual data set terminated
Individual data set of a sequence terminated (waiting for transition
condition to be fulfilled)
Sequence terminated
Stop caused by "Halt" or "Quick Stop"
Stop caused by an error
6 Operation
Modbus-TCP module
0198441113843, V1.01, 01.2012