
S1A10386 10/2009 27
Integration of the ATV312 in a PROFIBUS DP network
controlled by a Modicon TSX P57 354M
PKW area
* : The description of the Altivar 312 parameter addresses can be found in the communication variable spreadsheet available on Schneider-
** : Not significant here: The Altivar 312 doesn't manage 32bits integer values.
You can now build and download your project to the PLC, if no errors occurs , your DP system should start and you should be able to monitor
directly the data exchanged between the PLC and its slave.
The following screen displays the ON line status of the PBY 100 Master module. The slave 2 (ATV312 here) is currently monitored:
In this view we can see %IW0.3.0.4 which corresponds to ETA , and the value of the current speed (in rpm) in %IW0.3.0.5 which represents
Altivar 312 TSX P57 354M
IO memory
TSX P57 354 M
IO memory
Parameter logic address (Modbus address*) %QWx.y.z.0
Response code:
0: No request
1: Read
2: Write
Value to write if write request
Parameter logic address (Modbus address*) %IQWx.y.z.0
Response code:
0: No request
1: successful Read
2: successful Write
7: Error report
Parameter value if the request was
0: Incorrect address.
1: Write access denied.